Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Thankful Author- Kayden Claremont

November 4, 2014
Featuring Kayden Claremont

My Thanks:

At this time of the year I’m thankful for my family and my friends who encourage me to try, pick me up when I fall, cheer me on to success and surround me with their love. 

Welcome again Kayden, tell me three words that describe yourself starting with A, B, and C.

Aware, balanced and courteous.

What are your three favorite things?

Chocolate, books, both hard cop and e-book, and movies.

Was there any particular inspiration for your characters or story? 

This is a funny story. I was sitting in a coffee short working on a romantic suspense story when two men sat down beside me. They were talking about how their wives sucked the life out of them. They were trying to outdo one another so the stories became interesting. Before I know what had happened I had a scene where the character literally sucked the life out of a sleazy politician.  
Years later I was in a critique meeting and we were talking about the weirdest scene we’ve ever written. I told my friend about this scene and they both said, “That’s a succubus.” I went home and looked it up and sure enough they were right. I liked the character so much I built the book around her.

 Will there be more books in your series, or can you tell us about any previous books? 

Hell’s Bounty is the first book in my heaven and hell series. Book two is Hell Hath No Fury and it is set around Las Vegas and book three is Hell Bent for Leather. 
This series just grew because once I released who the characters were, I did some research and was intrigued by the thought these being were myths but what would happen if they existed in present day society.

When not writing, what can you be found doing? 

My day job takes up a lot of time. I’m gluten-free so I’m always checking out new recipes and trying them. I’m a fanatic for story and it doesn’t matter if it is TV or movies, if the story is good I’m hooked.


Marcus Dionysius, a Nephilim working for Heaven, has one mission – to prevent Hell’s beauty from stealing souls meant for the higher plane. But he soon realizes he’s met his sexual match in Raven Hart, a succubus bounty hunter on a hunt.


Raven looked over at him. “Marcus, this is the coroner, Doctor Hill. Doc, this is my new partner, Detective Marcus Dionysius.”
Marcus extended his hand to the doctor, but he just paced back and forth, ignoring the proffered handshake. “Oh, my dear, you shouldn’t see this.”
“Doc, I’m a detective. There isn’t much I haven’t seen.” Raven’s no-nonsense tone had no effect on the doctor. “No, dear, not this time.” He took her by the elbow and led her a few feet away from the body. Shaking his head, he continued, “This time it’s too personal. You don’t need to see this.” He pointed at the body on the ground. “It’s Stephen, my dear.”
Marcus watched shock flash across her face for a moment before she got control again. She wasn’t expecting to see her late partner. She hadn’t done this, but that didn’t clear her of the other attacks.
The captain was sleazy. Everyone in heaven and hell knew it. And everyone thought that because Raven worked so closely with him, she was part of his plan. Marcus hoped the sexy succubus wasn’t connected with hell’s mess. He moved closer to the body.
Doctor Hill glanced at him and stopped talking.
Clearing his throat, Marcus said softly to Raven, “I’ll handle this if you’re not up to it. The captain can assign another detective to work the case with me.”
Raven looked up at him, anger flaring in her eyes as she answered, “What do you think I am? Some fragile female who can’t do her job?”


Kayden’s Bio

Kayden is hooked on Paranormal Romance. She loves writing about the rollercoaster ride of demons, angels and watchers and the consequences they must endure when they falling in love.  Her sensuous style drives the characters in lustful romps.
Kayden is a member of Sisters in Crime International; Sisters in Crime Toronto; Romance Writers of America, Toronto Romance Writers.
When she’s not at her day job she’s crafting more tales of love, crime and the supernatural or spending time with her husband and children.

You can contact Kayden at:

Twitter: Kayden Claremont
Email at: Kayden Claremont@bell.net



  1. Hi Kayden, thank you for being with us today. Where would we be without the encouragement of our friends and family. Great post.

  2. Kayden, do you attend the TRW meetings often? I'm a member there too, and considering chocolate and movies would have made my top 3, we should definitely share a 'hello'. (We might have even sat next to each other, and I just didn't pay attention.)
