Monday, September 30, 2013

Literary Justification

As I was thinking about a post today, I happened to find this article on a set of triplets being born. The article, found here, couldn't have come at a more perfect time. My main character, Love, is the youngest of triplets!!!

Of course I know babies are born all the time, just like names are used more than once, and people travel. But I always think it is so cool when something like the name of a character, or a place I'm thinking of researching "comes to life" seemingly out of the blue. Like I thought it, and it happened. I know that sounds so weird, but I look at it as a sort of literary justification. A sign from God that I'm on the right path in life. That I'm supposed to be writing what it is that I'm writing.

Has this happened to you? If it has, let me know.


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