Thursday, November 16, 2017

Thankful Author 2017- Clair Brett

This post was a great exercise for me, but a difficult one. I have had one of those years that would give a weaker person whiplash. I had my first book published, my mother passed away, my biological mother passed away, my oldest daughter graduated from High school, and I had my second book published. Whew. Looking back it is a wonder I have any memories of anything.
As I sit here now, happily in the hindsight section of the year I am able to take away many things from this year and I would like to share some of the biggies. They are not anything we don’t know, but sometimes we ignore them until it is too late.

Tell those you love that you love them—often! They can’t hear it too much from you.

When life gets in the way, NEVER give up on your dreams. If it is meant to be, it will happen no matter what crazy is going on in your life at the time.

  Childhood really does go by in a heartbeat. Hug those babies! It doesn’t matter if they are 1 month or 18 years old. They are still your baby, and you can. Soon enough they won’t be close enough to hug every day.

People care about you. If they ask if they can help or do something, don’t say no. By allowing them to step in and help, it will make them feel like they are doing something and it will take something off your list, which is huge! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO CARRY IT ALL ON YOUR SHOULDERS!

**this is most important! Be kind to yourself. You aren’t always going to say the right thing, or have it all together all the time. You would tell your friend to not beat themselves up, let’s start treating ourselves as we treat our friends. It’s ok

Love those around you this Thanksgiving, and pay it forward when you can. We are all in this crazy thing called life together!


Lady Louissa Adair was raised by her uncle to be anything but a lady, spending hours scrubbing the decks of his ill begotten ships. Now, he has tasked her with a more deadly task. If she refuses, any hope of finding her long-lost and possibly dead brother will be lost while her uncle moves up his timeline to marry her off to a most dastardly man. While doing her uncle’s bidding, a blasted Englishman running around Scotland sets upon being her champion – not that Louissa has ever needed one. If he doesn’t get them both killed, and she might just kill the fool herself, she faces an even bigger danger – losing her heart.

Lord Clive Colcord, Earl of Breakerton, had escaped to Scotland in an attempt to avoid scrutiny by his late father’s solicitors. It had been a quiet, if not boring rustication until he finds himself tasked by the local magistrate with apprehending the highwayman menacing the North Road. He doesn’t expect to discover a beguiling dark-haired beauty with more dangerous men in her life than Clive has sisters. Yet he finds himself offering aid in an attempt to protect this damsel in distress. He must help Louissa find the proof of her uncle’s crimes and find her brother before she is forced into marriage all the while not losing his own heart in the process.

Follow me on Twitter @ Clairbrett


  1. Great post, Clair! I loved your reminders of what's important in life. We need to be reminded of these things. Sorry about your losses this past year, and congratulations on the high school graduation and your writing successes...two books published in one year is awesome.

    1. You are right about remembering, fortunately, when we are in the trenches that's what our friends are for! Have a great holiday K.K.

    2. Oops, sorry C.B. I missed one publish button. lol. Our lives will find balance even if we are too crazed to create it ourselves. =) Have a great holiday!

  2. Loved your post. These are great tips we should all remember.

    1. K.K., it is so important to remember these, but when we are in the trenches we often forget to remember. That is what our friends are for! =) Have a wonderful holiday!

  3. Wise words, my dear Chaptermate!! You have had sooooooooome year! When you look back on it with a little distance and clarity, you will remember those 5 edicts well! Fab post.

    1. I know I have great friends like you who will remind me. wink, wink!

  4. It's definitely true what they saw about being made strong in our weakness. It's those struggles in life that make us who we are.

    1. Debra, It is, but it would be nice if we didn't have to struggle to become stronger. =) have a wonderful holiday season!

  5. Wonderful post, Claire! I can definitely relate to all of them. Wishing you all the best!

    1. Wishing you the best as well! Have a wonderful holiday season!

  6. Great advice, Clair. Wishing you all the best with this latest release!

    1. Judith, Thanks for the good thoughts. I had so much fun writing this book, I hope everyone enjoys it! Have a great holiday season!

  7. Such stellar advice! Sometimes life does seem to dump on us all at once--these are our moments in the fire of the forge, that make us strong. We come out the other side honed and unbreakable. So I keep telling myself, anyway! LOVE your blurb, looks like my kind of story!

    1. Laura, we should all be fireproof at this point in our lives. lol. I hope you enjoy Heiress if you get it. I had so much fun with Louissa! She was my constant companion through this year. Have a fabulous holiday!

  8. Love your "list" and totally agree--especially with when others offer to help, let them. It saved my life when I had a knee replacement--rides to PT, meals, visits. Your cover is intoxicating and the blurb sounds compelling. Nice post!

    1. I love my cover as well! I hope your knee is all healed that is a long process! We all need to lean on each other. Have a great holiday season!

  9. Great post - especially hugging those "babies". My 45 year old baby will visit with her babies soon. I never get tired of hugging any of them. Love cover and blurb.

    Deb (w/a Delsora Lowe), (Your "Neighbor" - in Maine)

    1. Hey Deb, can you see me waving from NH? My first baby has moved out and is down on the seacoast and I miss her everyday, but she is doing her thing with the Air National Guard and I couldn't be prouder, but I do get in as many hugs when she visits. =) Enjoy those grand babies!

  10. Wow very inspirational. We know all these truths but need to be reminded about them often. Thanks

    1. Lin, we know them, but when life is hard it is so difficult to put them to use. Have a wonderful holiday!

  11. Great post. A full year and then some for you Clair. Sending condolences as well as congratulations to you. Happy Thanksgiving.
