Happy New Year readers. I wish you all the best in the coming year.
How did you do on last year's resolutions?
I'm happy to say I accomplished all of mine!!!
Granted, there were only 4, but that's better than none.
I had resolved to 1- Finish a book, 2- Submit it, 3- Publish it, and 4- Do better at advertising.
Okay, 4 still needs improvement, but I've got all of 2016 to keep working on it.
Building on 2015, I'm going to resolve myself to doing these things in 2016
1- Finish both a full and short story!
2- Submit both
3- Publish both
4- Do better at advertising
5- Win NaNoWriMo this coming November!
It really irks me that I wasn't able to write more than 5,000 words, but I'm a mother of two tweens who works full-time and writes freelance for the local paper, and I know that much of my time doesn't really belong to me. I just have to get better organized and really stick to a schedule and not get sidetracked.
Getting a head start on Resolution 4- Do better at advertising, check out what's in store on the blog in the coming days.
How did you do on last year's resolutions?
I'm happy to say I accomplished all of mine!!!
Granted, there were only 4, but that's better than none.
I had resolved to 1- Finish a book, 2- Submit it, 3- Publish it, and 4- Do better at advertising.
Okay, 4 still needs improvement, but I've got all of 2016 to keep working on it.
Building on 2015, I'm going to resolve myself to doing these things in 2016
1- Finish both a full and short story!
2- Submit both
3- Publish both
4- Do better at advertising
5- Win NaNoWriMo this coming November!
It really irks me that I wasn't able to write more than 5,000 words, but I'm a mother of two tweens who works full-time and writes freelance for the local paper, and I know that much of my time doesn't really belong to me. I just have to get better organized and really stick to a schedule and not get sidetracked.
Getting a head start on Resolution 4- Do better at advertising, check out what's in store on the blog in the coming days.
There are only a few days until the first of the Candy Heart Romances are released. Doing my part in celebrating and spreading the word, I'll be hosting a few authors through out the next two months, featuring their contributions. I've also dedicated a page to the entire collection. (You can find it above, just click on A Candy Hearts Romance to take a look.) I'll also be reviewing the most awesome works of these superbly talented ladies through out the next two months. Trust me, you won't be disappointed! So be sure to stop by frequently. In the meantime, I just posted my book trailer for Got Love? on YouTube and would love to hear your thoughts on it.
LOVELOVELOVE It!!! i am sosososo jealous. Great job, Angela.